Kids Portuguese Language Teasing Choir

  • Start times fluctuate from 2 to 3 pm Sundays for beginning participants
  • Additional times will be added as the need arises for age group specific practice
  • Choir will compete and perform at various festivals, and Capoeira centric events
  • We are meeting in a smaller location - this will change slightly based as more families come back, or resume
  • We have structure in place if the pandemic resumes
  • Recycling donation is preferred 
  • Other means of supporting the choir(s) is below in the link - for those wanting to donate traditionally
  • The focus is music, with movement introduced as a warmup before focusing on the choral aspect of the sports artform
  • Register by text, (503)449-9091 How many children, names, ages, your relationship to the child, best way to response to you and send you more information
  •  Capoeira is a music centric contact sport, even if your child is just singing or playing music there is a ever present chance that they could get hit when two other competitions miss one another or nudge each other out of the game circle
  • Warm ups are just that. However, they are designed to introduce the child to martial arts concepts. In a low intensity manner of your child chooses to play, we start of with no to minimal contact, but accidents do happen - this artform is based on horsing around with one another, and the choirs sing about how well the two players can handle it - So, all participants gaurdoans must sign a waiver - make us aware of the child's potential health concerns - so that we can take these into consideration

We look forward you your child or children joining us to sing their heart out, and perhaps eventually move around with us as well.


There are many events coming up in the er and fall -  that we need to get ready for- Starting sooner is better









Max Giving QR for: Florida Event, Portuguese Braille Song Book Project

Leads to MaxGiving Fundraiser partnership via OnPoint CCU
Leads to MaxGiving Fundraiser partnership via OnPoint CCU

Tax Exempt Classifications

Oregon:  Public Charity

  • The majority of our donors come from the general public and unrelated businesses


IRS: Oporating Foundation / Private Oporating Foundation 


  • We conduct our own educational activities 
    • Oregon
    • Washington
    • Yakima Nation
    • Oklahoma
    • Tennessee
    • Colorado
    • New York
    • Florida
    • Idaho
    • California
    • Georgia US
    • Bahia
    • São Paulo
    • Kumanodo
    • Moscow
    • Itaparica

Reapplication Due to Operating Foundation Status passing all three qualiying tests  IRC 47(c)7;and Public Benefit with State or Oregon which requires separate yet conjuntive reporting with isn't possible with two divergent Statuses - So, we are in the process of fixing it

Vision Statement Revision

Our vision is to have fun while growing in both game skills, as well as the greater relative sphere of life.

Mission Statement Revison

Providing all participants with the necessary resources to go and compete at Afro Brazilian cultural enrichment events. To send students from Portland to visit other groups locally, regionally, nationally,& internationally. To bring participants and players of all levels from other places around the world to experience our playing culture here in Portland.


G.C.A.M.C.N.S.S.A. Is a sports and sports culture related nonprofit  501c3 for facilitating team play for local, regional, national, and international competition in the sport dance, music, and choir forms of Capoeira Angola.

Sending Kids and Adults From the Pacific North West to Compete Around the Nation, Brazil, and Elsewhere World Wide.

More on this as this executive summary develops.


Fund raising for this continues - However, all travel plans are on hold due to COVID19 concerns.

Sending Kids and Adults From Brazil to Compete In Portland

More on this as progress develops.


Fund raising for this continues - However, all travel plans are on hold due to COVID19 concerns.

Oregon Drive Info: Coming Soon

Update Coming Soon

Praia de Salvador Bahia
Sao Antonio 2022
At Capoeira Angola Mugujey
Mestre Chocolate vs Contramestre Deshno 2017
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