(503)449.9091 (503)309-3285
(503)449.9091 (503)309-3285
We look forward you your child or children joining us to sing their heart out, and perhaps eventually move around with us as well.
There are many events coming up in the er and fall - that we need to get ready for- Starting sooner is better
Oregon: Public Charity
IRS: Oporating Foundation / Private Oporating Foundation
Reapplication Due to Operating Foundation Status passing all three qualiying tests IRC 47(c)7;and Public Benefit with State or Oregon which requires separate yet conjuntive reporting with isn't possible with two divergent Statuses - So, we are in the process of fixing it
Our vision is to have fun while growing in both game skills, as well as the greater relative sphere of life.
Providing all participants with the necessary resources to go and compete at Afro Brazilian cultural enrichment events. To send students from Portland to visit other groups locally, regionally, nationally,& internationally. To bring participants and players of all levels from other places around the world to experience our playing culture here in Portland.
G.C.A.M.C.N.S.S.A. Is a sports and sports culture related nonprofit 501c3 for facilitating team play for local, regional, national, and international competition in the sport dance, music, and choir forms of Capoeira Angola.
More on this as this executive summary develops.
Fund raising for this continues - However, all travel plans are on hold due to COVID19 concerns.
More on this as progress develops.
Fund raising for this continues - However, all travel plans are on hold due to COVID19 concerns.
Update Coming Soon